Saturday, September 3, 2011


After A Day Out With Thomas we followed Ben's sister back up to their house and stayed with them for the weekend. On Sunday we took the kids bowling. Nicholas hadn't been bowling in a while so it seemed like a good activity. He liked having the ramp to put the ball on so he didn't have to throw the heavy ball.
Eli mostly just stood by and watched...and tried to run around...and got in the way!
Danelle didn't need the ball ramp, she did well with just the bumpers. If I remember right, she tied for high score...with the help of the bumpers, of course!

Nicholas had a bit of a problem with the balls. He thought one ball was his. Therefore, anytime somebody else touched "his ball" we had a melt down. I think after all of the fun we had that weekend he was about done and ready to go home.
We had a fun time with the cousins. Nicholas just loves visiting with them!

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