Saturday, September 3, 2011

Thomas the Train

A while back I heard Thomas the Train was coming to the Snoqualmie Train Museum. I knew with Nicholas' love of Thomas we had to go. Here is the star of the day!
Here is Eli enjoying the baby train table.
Nicholas loved the train tables. Eventually I had to pry him away from them. He was there playing for a good 45 minutes at least.
When I knew we were going to A Day Out With Thomas, I called Ben's sister to see if they would like to join us. So, she and the girls met us in Snoqualmie for the fun day. Here are Danelle and Nicholas with Sir Topham Hat.
They had lots of fun activities for the kids to do. One station had temporary tattoos for the kids to get. Nicholas was so excited to have Percy the train on his arm!At our scheduled time we all boarded the train for the ride. Here is Dayna, Thea, Nicholas and Ben enjoying the view.
This was the view of Snoqualmie Falls along the ride. It really was pretty.
Even Eli enjoyed the ride!It was a fun day and I'm glad we went. Nicholas loved it!

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