Friday, September 9, 2011

Church Fun Night

Back in July one of the families at our church offered to host a family fun BBQ at their house. We packed up some food and the swimsuits and headed on over for some fun! Nicholas was really excited to go swimming. He was even more excited to try out the new shooters that his Aunt and Uncle got him for his Birthday. Here are daddy and Nicholas having a blast with the shooters!
Eli enjoyed standing at the edge of the pool making a splash.
Just a few minutes after Ben and Nicholas got out of the pool it burst open and water started going everywhere! Eli enjoyed the extra water on the driveway!
Of course no Summer event would be complete without a campfire and S'mores!
Nicholas quite enjoyed his s'more! Here are Eli and Nicholas with cousin Ruston while he and his mom were up for a visit!
It turned out to be quite a fun evening!

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