Saturday, October 4, 2008

New Toy

You are probably thinking that I got something new for Nicholas. Well, if you're wrong.

For a few months now, my carpets have been grossing me out and I have been trying to talk Ben into letting me get a steam cleaner. He wasn't very excited about it (as most men wouldn't be). Well, yesterday Nicholas came down with a stomach bug and after trying to get all of the vomit out of the carpet...unsuccessfully...Ben came home and said the house stunk (because it did). So, here was my chance to prove my point. I told him that if I had the steam cleaner, I would have been able to clean it up the right way right after it happened and the house would be smelling much better!
So, I got on-line last night and started reading reviews for steam cleaners. I found one at Wal-mart that got great reviews and was actually a good price (and it was actually cheaper in the store!). So, Nicholas and I set out today to buy this:
Here are some before pictures of the carpet.

This is what the water looked like coming out of the cleaner...gross! I can't believe how black the water was.
(Toilet picture removed by Ben- we want people to have a chance at enjoying reading this blog.)
No, that isn't a yucky toilet picture, that is how gross the water was coming out of the machine. I vaccumed twice today before cleaning the carpets, too!
And this is what the carpet looks like now!

I'm happy with the results as it looks like most of the spots I was hoping would go, did. In fact, I don't really see much on the carpet as of right now. They aren't quite dry yet, so we'll see when they are.

1 comment:

Rachel and Jason said...

I LOVE steam cleaners! When I lived with Erica, she cleaned the carpets a couple of times, and it really does wonders! Someday I will own one, I'm sure.