Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wheat Harvest

We had some wheat this year and with wheat comes the chance to ride in a combine during the Summer. Also, this ended up being our last ride in this combine as Ben sold it before corn harvest this year.

 This is what a happy little boy looks like.  He is such a farm kid and just loves all of the equipment and exciting times that happen around here.
 Now, Nicholas was trying to have a turn driving the combine.  Only problem his now he has a little brother who wants to do everything he does.
 And here is Eli getting really mad and just trying to take the wheel away from Daddy and Nicholas.

We are so lucky to be able to visit Ben when he is working.  He does work a lot had has long days certain times of the year, but when that happens we just visit.  Usually if Daddy is really busy it means there is something exciting going on and these two little guys just don't like to miss it!

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