Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fair Time!

August in Moses Lake brings the fair.  It is so much different living in a smaller Agricultural town as opposed to Spokane during fair week.  The fair was where we went to look at booths, see some animals and eat the yummy food.  Here, all life revolves around the fair for a lot of people.  Yes, we have a building of booths here (and we were sucked into getting a paper subscription).  But the real focus is all of the animals.  

 Nicholas was so excited to see the cows!
 Ben taught Eli how to poke a pig nose.  He was quite good at it!
 The kids showing sheep were pretty interesting, too!

 Believe it or not this lady spinning yarn was Nicholas' favorite.  He talked to her quite a bit and was interested in learning about what she was doing.  We even had to come back for a second visit with her!
 Right up there with the lady spinning yarn was the farm equipment. 

We were so glad that Ben was able to come with us this year.  Even with the two of us we managed to loose Nicholas for a bit.  It seems the rides were calling to him and luckily we knew that and went after him.  Since he disobeyed and went off on his own he didn't get to ride any of those rides.  All in all, it was a fun time for every one...even with a mis-hap!

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