Sunday, August 14, 2011

Eli is busy

On a visit to the farm, Eli decided to be busy. First he had to check out the "new" doghouse that had showed up.
It turns out he fit perfectly in it!
As the previous post stated, Eli loves mud. He managed to find the ONLY puddle on the farm and headed right for it. He had to stomp in it a few times for good measure!
Eli was toddling around my bathroom one morning while I was in the shower. He often does this as there isn't much in there for him to get into. Well, back in June he was walking from the sink room into the shower room (there is a door between them) and he fell and hit his mouth on the door. I don't know exactly what happened as I had just put the shampoo in my hair. All I know is there was a good amount of blood coming from his mouth. After I got everything cleaned up I realized he had actually chipped his tooth.This was the best picture I managed to get. It isn't extremely noticeable and the good news is we loose our baby teeth! Maybe someday this busy little boy will slow down a bit. However, I don't see this happening any time soon!

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