Saturday, June 25, 2011

This Crazy Spring Weather

This has been a weird weather year for us. We have had a cold and wet Spring. In fact, as I am typing it is only about 73 degrees out there which is very cool for the end of June. It has made for nice temperatures to play outside in, however.
Here is Eli on the little slide we got Nicholas on his 1st birthday. He is even waving in the picture!
Here are Nicholas and Lizzy. They seem to have a love-hate relationship. Sometimes they love to play together, but mostly the get each other wound up and end up in trouble. Yes, both of them.
And here are the boys sharing a little time on the little play set.
This is a picture of the weather I was telling you about. We don't get rain like this often. My flower bed was very wet. Many of the plants were completely under water. The good news is we are on all sandy soil, so the water drains away rather quickly.
Ben is sure hoping for some warmer weather soon. Corn doesn't grow so well in the cold temperatures.

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