Monday, June 27, 2011

The Play-set

Last fall I started thinking about getting the boys a play-set for their birthdays. Since we live out a ways and there are no little kids around, they need some kind of entertainment in the yard. So, I spent weeks pouring over on-line catalogs, reviews and descriptions trying to figure out what I wanted and what would get us the most bang for our buck! I finally settled on one and ordered it. It arrived the day before we planned to install it! Whew!!
I had my fingers crossed that the guys would finish their custom hay chopping in time to help us install it, but the string of bad weather we had seemed to push things back. Luckily I had my parents arranged to come and I asked Ben's parents to come for any amount of time they could give.

The day before the assembly I sorted out all of the wood and got it all arranged in the garage. I didn't want it laid out in the backyard as I would afraid Lizzy would have a hay-day with all of that wood!
My mom and I also labeled all of the hardware the night before so we would be ready. We are so glad things were sorted/labeled!!!
The day of the install the big boss took over with the "structions."
We started off by assembling the climbing ramp and rock wall. It was cleanest to do this on the driveway. It went pretty fast with lots of us using the many drills we rounded up!
Next, we moved to the back yard with the big beams and started the fort assembly. It was a bit tricky at the beginning, but once we got a few of the supports on there it helped a bunch.
Eli helped by taking good naps and mostly staying out of the way!
Nicholas helped by supervising, putting on bolt covers and being in the middle of everything! ;)Getting closer to the final product!
Time to test out the swings! They are a hit!
Almost done. Still some detail/finishing pieces to put up, but you get the idea!
We started the install at 9:00am on June 11th and finished up about 8:00pm. It was a very long day and we were all pooped. I'm so thankful for the help of our family! Thank you!!!
Happy Birthday, boys! I hope this provides you many years of fun activity and entertainment!

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