Saturday, January 15, 2011

Around the House

The cold weather often makes it hard to go outside and play, especially with a baby in the house. So, we find other things to do! I need to start teaching Nicholas how to write his name, so I thought we would start with playing around with the letters.
I wrote his name on the paper and tried to get him to use the Bingo dobbers to paint his name. That lasted a short time and he decided he wanted to use a paint brush. He specifically wanted white paint. So, I broke out the white paint for him!
By the time he was done the whole paper was pretty much white. He enjoyed himself, and that is what counts. He'll learn to write his name, eventually!
We moved into this house July of 2009. Since then, when I do dishes I often end up saying some not-so-nice words. You see, my dishwasher was never properly installed. It wasn't level or hooked in securely. So, I had had enough and decided it was going to get done. I busted out the tools and told Ben today was the day!
Turns out it ended up being an activity for the whole family! Nicholas gets excited whenever the tools come out. And for whatever reason, Eli liked sitting there and watching it all, too.
Best of all, I'm not using bad words when I do the dishes anymore and my dishes are coming out clean!

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