Saturday, August 28, 2010

Potty Training

No worries, there won't be any pictures in this post! When Eli was about 2.5 weeks old we decided Nicholas was fully able to potty train and we gave it a shot. Who would have thought that we were starting what would be the worst 7 weeks of MY life!

We realized quickly that he was able to control everything (as in, he CAN do this). However, we also discovered what a strong willed little boy we have. He had it in his head that he wasn't going to do this...therefore he didn't. This was extremely frustrating for me. We tried several different rewards and when that didn't work we moved on to consequences when he had an accident. About 2 weeks ago I was at the end of my rope and I sat him down and told him he had a choice. I told him he had to choose to poop in the toilet and that if he chose to go in his underwear he was choosing no treats and to clean up his own messes. It took 3 showers, the first was just warm, then next cooler and the last was fairly cool. The next day he began going in the toilet and since then we have only had 2-3 accidents, usually when he is playing outside.

So, for Nicholas he had to make the choice, and I had to tell him that it is his choice and make him aware of everything he is choosing with his actions. I never found a "currency" that worked for him. We just had to get beyond his stubbornness. He is now enjoying treats again and is looking forward to preschool starting in a few weeks. This means we have 2 weeks to perfect him doing the whole process on his own, but he is doing well. I'm proud of my little guy! He is proud of himself also and can't wait to tell Daddy when he gets home that he made a poop in the toilet. He has even told the checkers at Wal-Mart and others about his accomplishments. At least he is excited about it all!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

No pictures for this post, but you do have that "laughing in the bathroom" video clip that would fit right in here ...