Saturday, June 19, 2010

Eli Kenneth Hesse

I should probably start this with the birth story (keeping it clean for most reader enjoyment!). Monday the 14th I went to my regular Dr. appointment. My blood pressure had gone up and my hand/feet swelling had taken a turn for the huge! Those 2 facts, combined with the fact that the baby was assumed to be large, my Dr. wanted to get the baby out. She stripped my membranes (separated the sac from the cervix) and sent me home thinking I would be in labor within 24 hours. If labor didn't start, I was to call her the next morning. No labor came and I called Tuesday morning. She wanted me to go to the hospital to have my water broken, but the hospital was too full to handle a labor that wasn't already happening.

So, I went to see her again on Wednesday and my blood pressure was still up and baby was only getting bigger. So, she called the hospital to tell them I was coming up...4cm dilated. I got there about 10:30 and the Dr. arrived on her lunch to break my water, this happened about 12:20. Right away I could tell things were happening. I tried to sit on the labor ball, but was very uncomfortable. I moved back to the bed and spent the next hour trying to be comfortable and relax my way through the contractions. About 1:20-1:30 I began to feel the contractions changing and I told the nurse she may want to check me as I was feeling some pressure. She looked at me and told me it had only been an hour and asked me if I wanted pain medication. I was thinking...that is not what I said. So she consulted with the head nurse and she took over from there. She did check me to find out I had gone from 4cm to 8cm in that hour. She told me she wanted to know at the first feeling of needing to push. The next contraction came and the feeling was there and she said she was off to get the Dr. here. From that point on things really flew by. The Dr. arrived rather quickly and came in and sat down and was chatting. She suddenly realized the baby was going to be here fast. Ben said it was quite entertaining to watch the next few minutes as gloves, gowns, and towels began flying as they were trying to get things ready. The Dr. barely got her glove on and was thrown a towel when she had to reach out to catch the baby. WHEW!

So, the labor was fast and I am thankful for another good birth experience. Eli weighed 9lbs 80z, was 21" long and has a head of light hair. Here are some pictures of our newest little member!

Not even an hour old yet!
Big Brother came to visit!
Such a sleepy little guy!

Getting ready to take Eli home!

Snuggle time on the couch!
So, welcome, Eli to our family. We are so happy you are here!


Anonymous said...

Wow Kelli. That is a crazy story! I am glad that you and Eli are both healthy and well...can't wait to see you friday when I bring food! you will let me hold him right? ...or I won't give you the food!

Lisa said...

Congrats! It's probably because Moses Lake doesn't exactly have a huge labor and delivery suite, but that story's pretty tame compared to some I've seen, and there's no way they would have let you go home with rising blood pressure here or OSU (especially here... for some reason, they're super-aggressive when it comes to making sure they have healthy babies, which is funny, because the docs can't be sued here). Anyway, it sounds like the birth went well--at least, it didn't involve an emergency cesarean, which is pretty much my definition of "well" these days :) I'm glad that you and Eli are doing well and are home.