We got word today that the well is FINALLY finished! Only 2 1/2 months late...but finally done. They ended up having to drill down to 210 feet. This was 90-100 feet further than they thought they would have to go. Hopefully this means our water will be good and we will have plenty of it. Papers are being faxed between the well and septic guy so hopefully if all goes well we should have our permits in about 2 weeks.
This is getting exciting! I feel like there is a beginning (and end?) in sight. Our builder is ready to go and would like to get started as soon as the permits are in. We are also waiting for a set of papers (notarized easements) to get turned in from one of the neighbors so we can get power. I made a reminder phone call to them this week so I'm hoping they turn them in by Monday.
Now we need to start working on building the rest of the pump house and getting the pump installed. Hopefully that process will go faster than the well did!
7 years ago
Hoping that the "glitches" all came at the beginning and the rest of the process zips right along. I am excited for you guys, too!
That's great news Kelli! I'm excited for you guys. Fun stuff huh?
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