All the activities that were postponed for the summer seem to be back in full swing!
On Tuesday my women's Bible study started back up. We had a good turn out for our new study called Women of Worth. This is a study put out by Focus on the Family. I think we should enjoy it!
Wednesday Nicholas and I headed to the Library for our usual books and babies class that we like. Nicholas had a bit of a hard time and cried twice. He hasn't done this in a looong time, so I was a bit surprised. Nicholas tried to play with a big toy while another boy was playing with it...which caused the other boy to yell at him. This sent Nicholas into a full fledged melt-down. Ben and I both say he better toughen up!
Yesterday Nicholas and I went to the first official meeting of the new MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers) here in town. This group is just getting up and running, so everyone was new yesterday. They offer childcare for all the children (birth-5) which is nice so you don't have to get a sitter (or bother your mother-in-law to watch him...again!) He didn't do so well this time (which I expected) and ended up being carried around by my ex-neighbor Janelle (one of the volunteers). I'm sure it will get easier. Anyway, I had a good time talking with other women and look forward to our once a month meetings.
On Monday we are going to visit a preschool co-op. I knew our Community College had a preschool co-op, but had no idea that they start at 12 months...guess we are behind already! I've heard really good things about it so, we are going to go visit next week and probably will join. They meet once a week and have parent classes once a month (which are required but you earn college credit by attending). At this young age the parents are required to attend with their child and it will mostly be a fun social event for Nicholas.
Nicholas is still learning all of the time. He has two cups to play with in the bath tub. For a while now I have been trying to get him to pour (intentionally) from one cup to another. Last night, out of the blue he started doing it. With the new found talent an precision he has gained he has also learned that he can pour the water outside the tub. This keeps me on my toes! Or at least an arm up at all times ready to block his next move! He loves bath time and will stay in the tub as long as I will let him. It has actually become more of an activity than just something that has to be done!
He is still only saying 5 words: Mama, Dada, Papa, up and baba (binky). He will sometimes copy what I say like duck and woof, woof. He understands most everything I say and will sometimes follow it. Like if I say, "Mommy's going to take a shower" he will run into the bathroom before I can get there. He also does this for his bath-time and other things like "Do you need a drink" when he runs to the fridge. He also knows when I say bye-bye to go wait at the door, even if his shoes aren't on yet!
He is a lot of fun and sure keeps me busy!
6 years ago
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