Friday, July 25, 2008

A little one

Last night about 10:30 we smelled THE smell. Ben's response (that hope I talked about yesterday) was, "I wonder if we have a live one?" So, he peeked out the window and with the flashlight he could see the "beady little eyes" looking back at him through the trap. When we went to bed we could here it banging at the door...something we have never heard before. I heard it banging on the door one other time during the night also. This skunk was so active, I thought it might be a cat in there. However, when Ben went to finish the task, he found a small skunk. It was much smaller than the others we have caught, so maybe we are getting the babies now? #4 and counting....


Rachel and Jason said...

Sounds like that trap works pretty darn well... too bad you have to smell THAT SMELL each time you get one though.

Dayna said...

Anything more? Does the trap really stink now? I wonder if trap stink means the skunks stay away from it (as if the stink is a warning of danger)? When do you have to return it?