Wednesday, May 28, 2008

First Time

Well, since everybody else is doing it, I figured, why not? Hopefully I will get on here every few days and let everybody know what is happening with our family...or at least Nicholas :)

Last week Nicholas decided he would rather walk than crawl. So, we offically have a walker! He gets so proud of himself and giggles all the way across the room. The ladies at our Bible study thought it was just too cute yesterday!

Due to Nicholas having a cold for 2 weeks, then possible measles exposure, we stayed away from our baby story time for a few weeks. So, today was our first day back there in a while. Nicholas had a great time! He was walking all over, and was quite the chatterbox/screamer. All happy though. It is kind of like another family there. Everybody gets to know each other pretty well and is so excited for new accomplishments. So, of course they were all thrilled when Nicholas came back walking! At the end they have a snack time where everybody gets Teddy Grahams. I wasn't sure if he should have them, so I pulled a snack out of my bag for him. After a few of his puffs, he got up and walked to our little neighbor girl and took one of her Teddy Grahams and ate it just fine. He then went for her water, but mean old mommy stopped him! It was cute anyway.

I planted my first garden this year. I have yellow squash, zuchinni and pumpkins up already. I am waiting on carrots, lettuce and cucumbers. I'm just hoping the birds didn't eat all of those seeds. It looks like I may have a few carrots coming up, but it is hard to tell what is weeds and what isn't!

Ben replaced the gate on the side of our house last Sunday. He is hoping to borrow his mom's rididng lawn mower, but needed a bigger opening in the gate. Not to mention the fact that the old gate was hideous and beginning to fall apart! He is almost done with it. He needs to custom make a few parts, but other than that it looks better already!

You will notice on the left I added a litte poll. I thought I would try this for fun. I will put up a new question every week (hopefully!) and we can all have fun together! I also made our picture on the left a link to the Kodak Gallery site where our pictures are. You will still have to sign in to see them, but it might remind you to check for new pictures!

That is all for now. Check back soon to see if I keep it up!


Debbie said...

I like the dark background and light print. And if you know how to do polls and links on photos already, you are w-a-y ahead of me!

Rachel and Jason said...

I'm glad I can be a good trend-setter! :D

Rachel and Jason said...

Just thought I'd let you know that when I click on your picture it tries to go to this:
So it says the page doesn't exist. ;)

Ben, Kelli, Nicholas and Eli said...

Thanks, Rachel, I'll try to fix that tomorrow!
