Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Priest Lake Camping

Back in July we went camping with my family.  Seems funny that I am sitting and typing this up as we are currently getting our first snow of the year!  It is time to get caught up on the blog!!

We spend much of our time camping down at the lake.  The kids had lots of fun playing on the beach!
 Ben took Nicholas tubing behind Papa Don's boat.  He really did enjoy it even if this face doesn't look like it!

 This picture is a little better proof that he had a good time! 

 Eli did go in the boat once.  But he was just as happy hanging out on the beach.
Nicholas was given these water shooters for his birthday from my brother's family.  They are kind of a tradition to take to the lake by all of the families.  Nicholas was pretty excited to have a small set for himself.
 Eli...a boy after my own heart! 
 We had to take a picture of Eli and Papa Don with their blue Hawaiian shorts and blue shirts sitting in the lounge chairs.  I snuck Nicholas in, too. 

 And of course, after lots of beach fun you must take a nap int he shade. 
For some reason I don't have many pictures with cousins or anything that happened up at the campsite.  Maybe I'll need to work on that next year!  Overall we had a great time and enjoyed the time with my family.

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