Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nicholas Spells

This Spring/Summer Nicholas fell in love with the PBS show Word World.  I have to say I quite like it, too!  He already knew all of the letter names and sounds, so by watching this show he learned how to put the letters together to make words.  Some of the bigger words he has memorized, but he does know how to sound out smaller words, too.

 One day he was begging me to use the computer.  I thought I would take the opportunity to see how many words he could type.  These words were all spelled on his own.  The only one he needed me to break down the sounds for was "watermelon."  I didn't tell him how to spell it, just told him the sounds as it was a little big for him to try to tackle on his own!
 This is a sample of Nicholas writing his name.  At the top of the picture he wrote it with a regular pencil.  At the bottom he wrote it in marker.  He did better with the thicker marker so I bought him some of the thicker pencils for writing at home.  He isn't doing too bad!
I'm sure proud of my little guy and all the learning he is doing.  They really are like little sponges at this age!

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