Monday, August 8, 2011

Nicholas' Fourth Birthday

I won't soon forget the Monday morning of June 11th, 2007. I wasn't supposed to be having the baby yet. I was supposed to finish out the school year (only 3 more days!) then the baby could come. Well, we all know that babies have their own schedule and they don't seem to care much what ours is!
Here is a picture of Nicholas' 1st Birthday party and cake.
I somehow didn't get any pictures of him eating cake for his 2nd birthday...I think since we were moving into the new house I was a little disorganized (and just made a standard cake so there was nothing extra cute to see). I also seem to remember forgetting to buy candles (go back to the moving thing). I guess in my mind there probably wasn't a big reason to take a bunch of pictures with no cute cake or candles even. Poor neglected child. So, here is a picture taken just a couple of days before he turned 2.
Yes, that is our poor neglected child on an airplane.
And here is Nicholas with his requested red barn cake on his 3rd birthday. We celebrated a week late as we were expecting Eli to arrive any day! (maybe this cake makes up for the lack of fun at the 2nd Birthday!).
And here he is this year as we celebrated him turning 4!
No problems blowing out the candles this year!
So, what is Nicholas up to? He is a busy boy who likes to go. He enjoyed helping me plant the garden this year and has been my helper watering also. He likes to look and see what is growing out there. He still talks about how we planted seeds so we could grow vegetables in the garden. At least he doesn't think all food comes from the grocery store!

His current favorite TV show is Word World. He has known all the letters and sounds for a while, but watching this show has taught him how to put the sounds together to form words. I can't believe he has done this on his own. He loves letters right now and gets excited to make words with the bathtub letters (pics will come in a later post).
He is finally showing an interest in holding a pencil and maybe doing a little writing. This was something he could have cared less about a year ago. So, now begins the fun work of trying to teach him how to write his name...why did we pick such a long name? :) He also loves using scissors...although he would much rather be handed a piece of paper to cut into tiny shreds than acutally cut out a shape...although he can do that.
Nicholas still enjoys going to the farm with Daddy. He likes to help check water or the pigs or really whatever Ben is doing. We realize that his favorite part of going to the farm is going into Grammie's house to ask for snacks and in the cold weather, hot cocoa. But, at least he likes to be out there. The trampoline is also a favorite activity at the farm!
So that about sums up our big 4 year old. He is headed to Preschool this fall. Hopefully things go well!

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