Nicholas has really started to throw fits when he doesn't get his way. He hasn't figured out that he doesn't get his way...hopefully he will soon. Until then, this is what we see often:

Before Christmas it got really cold and we got a bunch of snow. I finally decided it was time to bundle Nicholas up and take him out. He enjoyed ringing
the chimes (as always). I managed to snap a picture of his new "Popeye" face.

Nicholas and I headed over to
Grammie and Papa Lou's house to decorate Gingerbread houses.
Danelle was there and was ready to start. After one collapse, we got the house put back together and our final product is in the lower part of the picture.

After we made the houses, I left Nicholas at the farm and headed into church to prepare the Christmas baskets. There were quite a few people there to help and it went much more smooth than the Thanksgiving ones did. Here is a picture of all the food!
That's a good fit picture... and a good popeye picture... I just hope he's not doing that for the same reason Danelle was!
Doesn't seem to be an eye thing yet. He does it at funny times...I'll be watching him!
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