Wednesday, June 25, 2008

First Haircut

I finally decided it was time to cut Nicholas' hair for the first time! It was beginning to tickle his ears, so he was playing with them a lot...especially during meals. That made for some yucky crusty curls. Here is a before shot from the back.

I read somewhere to put them in the bathtub while you cut their hair so they can play and you don't have to worry about the mess. So, I gave it a try and it went pretty well.

After more trimming in the sink, I think it is about there. I did have to do a few more touch-ups this morning. I'm not sure if I cut the top short enough. His cowlick is causing some problems as you can see in the picture below.

Ben said with the weather turning hot I should have just shaved it all off. Maybe in a few weeks we will see about cutting it shorter (but not shaving it off). Maybe that could be the poll question this week. Leave it this length or cut it short? I'll try to update the question tonight and we will see what all of you think!

Overall, I probably didn't do too bad for the first time. He did well and didn't cry at all. Besides being squirmy (which I expected) he was a great little guy the whole time. As always, you can see more pictures on our Kodak website...I already posted them this morning!

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