Monday, November 21, 2011

Eli's First Cut

Ben had been bugging me for quite a while about giving Eli his first hair cut.  I kept putting it off as I didn't really think it was necessary.  Then this day happened.

I decided that maybe it was time.  So, on Sept. 25th I took some before pictures.

Then I stuck him in the baby tub on the counter.  This is an excellent way to contain a small guy and the mess that a haircut makes.
 And added a few easy to clean toys to distract him.
Then I started snipping...and snipping...and a little more snipping.  Until I came up with this.

Starts to look like a little boy when you do that, huh?  I kind of miss the curls, but it is a lot easier to clean.  What a handsome little man we have!

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