Monday, August 8, 2011

The Big One!

If you think the first year flies by with your first baby, wait until you have the 2nd! So far, nothing has been slow with Eli. It started with that oh so speedy delivery and the doctor almost not catching him! Here he is just a few minutes after birth.
This first year has gone so fast. One day he was laying in the bouncer and the next he was climbing into it! Here he is with his extra big cupcake for his birthday.
And, like every great 1 year old he wanted to grab the flame!

He didn't make too big of a mess. He didn't dive into it much either.
I guess it is time to tell what Eli has been up to. He has been walking for a while now, and at this point he is trying his hardest to run. He gets going pretty good, but then usually falls. He has been able to go up and down stairs for a while, too. He thinks he is ready to try walking up the stairs and stepping down them. However, I'm pretty sure he isn't. He'll probably make a good tumble or two trying to learn that process.
Eli has some very strong opinions and he is not afraid to let them be known. When he wants something, he will yell about it until he gets it. Usually he makes it fairly obvious by pointing to what he wants and then yelling.
He is still a cuddler and does like to be held by mommy. He usually takes 2 naps a day still, but they are getting shorter so it probably won't be long before he is taking only one a day. The days he only takes one nap he sleeps for 3 or 4 hours. I doubt that will continue for too long, but it is nice for now!
He really only says one word, "mama." I'm trying to get him to say a few other things like daddy, up and ball. Before long I'll wish he would stop talking, I'm sure! For now we are just loving our happy guy!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I think he says 'num-num' for nummy food.