Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Song and Dance

Nicholas has really enjoyed singing lately. When he is really excited, he'll even dance while he sings. He has a favorite CD from Lutherhaven (the church camp I grew up attending). It includes camp style kids songs that he seems to like.

This particular song is called "Walking Through the Jungle." It refers to our everyday life as the jungle and there are things that distract us along our walk but we need not worry if we are following the Master.

It is fun to see him learning songs and enjoying singing. He busts out in song often and it makes me smile.

1 comment:

music lover said...

I heard this song at my camp a few years ago as a camper and I want to teach it to my VBS kids but I can't remember all the words. Do you think you could give them to me or post some sort of a link to somewhere that would have them? Thanks.
P.S. Cute video!