Monday, March 28, 2011

What They Are Into

One of the things Nicholas has been "into" for a while now is running. As soon as Ben comes home at night he hears, "Daddy, wanna run with me?" So, I had to get a picture of it the other day...because it is a phase we will not soon forget. Eli is just into everything lately. One day, Nicholas had a snack of rice pudding. He left it on the coffee table and while I was cooking dinner, Eli found it and helped himself.
Nicholas is also into pillow fights. Basically he and Ben just throw the pillows back and forth at each other. Kind of funny that he is so into this, but I guess it is loads of fun.
Eli is really into the dishwasher, both literally and figuratively. He loves to unload it for me, chewing on each piece to make sure it is clean. If I'm loading the dirty dishes, he usually grabs a few utensils and gives them a pre-wash for me.
If he can't reach the rack, he climbs right up. I'm trying my best to keep him off of it, but had to snag a quick picture.

Eli is into feeding himself. Eli has never really had baby food because he refuses to let me feed him. Since day one he has clamped his mouth down and refused to be spoon-fed. At first I thought we had a picky eater on our hands, but it turns out he will eat pretty much anything, as long as he can feed himself.

One evening I was trying to get dinner on the table. Nicholas wanted to give Eli some puffs. I told him to just put a couple on his tray..."Like 5." Well, Nicholas apparently took that as give him some of each kind that is open. This is what we ended up with. At least Eli seemed into the mess!

With all that these boys are into, there aren't many dull moments around here.


Debbie said...

What a fun post! Love the running picture, even Eli looks like he is into the "going round" part.

Amber Miskin said...

Looks like great fun! My boys have daddy chase them all around the stairs almost every day and have so much fun! And I have to say, Skyler let me spoon feed him for a couple months, but then refused and had to do it all himself. That's hardly changed...looks like you have an independent one on your hands! :)