Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Some fun in a box

There are a million things I should be doing right now. My house is a mess. Things need to be picked-up and the carpets vacuumed. I'm a "little" disorganized right now. Seems it is hard to keep up with the tornado of a 3 year-old and the time demands of a 5.5 month old. But when I saw this:

...I had to take a minute and capture it...and of course share it with all of you.
Now...off to try to get something done!


Debbie said...

Be careful when he stands up and runs around the house with those charged up peanuts sticking to him (and falling off all over)! Danelle did that last year here -- very fun and very funny but it took us forever to get them all picked back up again!

Ben, Kelli, Nicholas and Eli said...

I was NOT exctied about him finding the box. Then Ben and I realized that they are the biodegradable ones...they don't appear to have the static issue...so far!

Anonymous said...

Boxes. Packing peanuts. or bubble wrap are the best things ever! But the peanuts and styrofoam make the BIGGEST messes!