Monday, December 13, 2010

O' Christmas Tree

Last year we bought a Christmas tree from a fundraiser and they delivered it right to our door. This year we weren't asked about it so I don't know if they did that fundraiser again or not. So, needing a tree we headed out to Dayna's in-law's tree farm and got our tree.

Here Nicholas and I were checking out this tree. Ben said he didn't like it so we continued on.
It turns out we had an easier time agreeing on and picking out a van than our Christmas tree. After walking around the lot for at least 30 minutes, we finally found our tree.
The boys agreed that this was our tree. Nicholas wanted to help cut it down...turns out he was better at eating the snow off of the saw...
After Nicholas tried for a minute or two, Ben thought he better give him a hand.
We got the tree cut down and brought it home. It is a fairly good sized tree (probably as round as it is tall!) and it looks pretty good with the decorations on it.

So, we are now one step closer to being ready for Christmas. I think I will wait to put any presents under it until the 24th...otherwise I will be re-wrapping things and tired of telling Nicholas to leave the presents alone!
Merry Christmas!!


Cassie D said...

Nice tree! Totally off the subject, but we were at WinCo Friday night and there was a guy there that was VERY tall and well built (no string bean by any means) and the first words out of Kevin's mouth when he saw him were, "Honey, did you see that guy!?...He'd make Ben Hesse look small!"
That made me laugh...thought you'd get a grin out of it too.;-P

Amber Miskin said...

We're waiting til Christmas Eve to put presents out too! Caleb would be fine but Skyler would completely demolish them!